C'mon you guys, we have to do this. I posted about eight comments or so, but that's about it.
And most of all, don't let Melian know! *grins* She'll be shocked by all the comments.
Let's do this!!! *laughs mischievously *

AGH! I'm so excited!! :) On Sunday, I'm setting my alarm for around six, so I can get a few pages done before church. ^^
Since I'm only doing 20,000 words, once I achieve that goal, I'm going to keep pushing and hopefully get 50,000 words so I'm ready for full force NaNo next year.
Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to be doing a lot less eating/playing/hanging out and a LOT more writing/scribbling/screaming? :D
One last thing (Note: this is an edit): An AWESOME giveaway at the Elvish Maiden!! Go enter! :)
Today, a man held open an automatic door for me. I'm not quite sure what to make of this. MLIA
Today, I went to the record shop to get a movie that apparently has an age limit. The cashier asked for my ID, and I accidently showed him a Pokémon card that I've kept in my wallet for years. He smiled and said 'Level 28. OK, you're good'. MLIA
Today, I pulled on a door that had 'push' written on it, it opened anyway. I felt like I'd beaten the system. MLIA
Today on the bus, I noticed a sign that said "no animals except service animals permitted." Next to it was a picture of a giraffe with a red X over it. I can't help wondering how many people tried to get on the bus with a giraffe. MLIA.
Today I walked into our apple tree. It scratched me. Next thing I knew, an apple fell by my feet. Apology accepted. MLIA
Today, I realised that my being British and living in Britain is a complete waste of british-ness. I am going to try and convince my Mother to move to the USA, where my british-ness can be truly appreciated. MLIA
Today I got a mass email from my history teacher informing us all that our night class was cancelled because shed broken her ankle earlier in the day. Since I knew there was going to be a substitute, I decided it would be the perfect night to skip class to go to the premier night of the Toy Story double feature. When I got to the theater I heard a woman behind me telling someone a story about how shed cancelled her class and tricked all her students so she could go see toy story. I turned around...it was my teacher. Neither of her legs were broken. We ended up sitting together and sharing popcorn. MLIA
Today, I went to the local convenience store in search for Salt and Vinegar chips. I realized I was approaching the store as it was closing, the shopkeeper told me I had 30 seconds to get what I wanted, purchase it and get out of the store. As fast as I could I raced for the chips, bought them and ran for the door. The shopkeeper was closing the door slowly and was about to shut it so I slid under the door just like Indiana Jones would. Salt and Vinegar chips have never tasted so good. MLIA
Today, I turned 16. For my birthday, most of my family decided to give me either pink or hello kitty themed things. My aunt, on the other hand, got me a red lightsaber. I'm glad somebody knows me. MLIA
Today, I was walking down the street and something fell from the sky and landed in front of me. I looked around and there was nobody nearby. It was a tortilla. From heaven. MLIA
Today, I was eating Lucky Charms and started thinking about how there should be more marshmallows because nobody cared about the cereal. At that moment, I dropped a piece of cereal on the ground, next to my hungry dog. She looked at it, then looked at me. Even my dog just wants the marshmallows. MLIA
Today while shopping for a new car the dealer took me out to the lot where I looked at the incoming dark clouds and commented that there must be dementors coming. [from HP] The dealer stopped and said "I'll be right back" and ran inside. She returned with two Hershey bars, handed one to me and said, "just in case." I have the utmost faith in this dealership for my purchase. MLIA
Today while I was at work I was checking cake orders. (I work at a bakery) One of the cakes was decorated red and blue, with a black web on top, with a Spiderman toy on top. The writing said "Happy Birthday Grandpa Gordon" I hope I get cool birthday cakes like that when I'm old. MLIA.
Today, I saw a fire hydrant with a pair of mittens on the sides. It's good to know even inanimate objects need to keep warm. MLIA.
Today, I was riding the bus home from school. There was an elderly man sitting near the front, and every time we drove down a hill he put out his arms and yelled "WEEE!!!". I wish I had thought of that. MLIA.
Today, we were assigned lab partners in science. My teacher said, "Ok, ladies & gentlemen,I assigned 1 stupid person & 1 smart person to each pair." He then chuckled. I hope he was joking because I got paired with a girl who always wins the straight A award & is the captain of the science club. MLIA.
Today, I was trying to free up some memory in my phone, so I decided to empty some old events from my calandar. I had the option to "Delete All Data Before Today". When I clicked it, it asked "Delete 01/01/1900 to 10/02/2009?" I felt like I was deleting all of the world's history. I got scared and didn't do it. MLIA.
Last year, my friend wrote "Help. Ninja's killed my family. Need money for Ninja lessons" on the back of my binder. I still use the binder because I love it. Today, I had a binder check. When my binder was returned to me there was 6 cents inside with the note "For your noble and worthy cause" written to me from my teacher. I love my school. MLIA
Today, I shouted "Hey look! I'm INVISIBLE!" at people walking past me when they weren't paying attention. When they turned to look I pretend to try and find where the voice came from too so that they would be confused. It worked. MLIA
Today, I was writing a paper on my laptop. As I used spell check, it asked to fix my last name. Annoyed, I clicked "Ignore". After handing in my paper, I got it back with a question mark in the top corner. Ends up I spelled my last name wrong. Never again will I question Spell Check. MLIA
Today, my son's teacher told me he spent all recess on top of the jungle gym commanding the other kid's to do his bidding. I told the teacher I would discipline him. I actually took him to McDonalds because all 5 year old dictators deserve a happy meal. MLIA.
Today I got a 66 on a calculus exam. I turned the paper upside-down and felt a little better. MLIA
Today, I was walking with a friend on our way to class. We were discussing how many na's there are in the bat man song. As we were doing this we kept going, na-na-na-na-na-na my teacher jumped around the corner and yelled,"BATMAN!" Then jumped back. New favorite teacher. MLIA
Today, while driving to school, the Spice Girls "Wannabe" came on the radio. I began singing loudly and dancing in my seat when I pulled up to a red light. I looked to my right and saw my physics teacher,also singing loudly to the song. We made eye contact. It was awkward. We are both guys. MLIA.
Today, I renamed my iPod "This ship" just for the pleasure of seeing the phrase "This ship is syncing" MLIA
Today, instead of taking notes in math, I decided to draw the back of the girl who sat in front of me's head. When the class was over I showed it too her, she showed me her notes which consisted of the head of the guy in front of her. MLIA
Today, my dad and I walked into the hospital with flowers for my mom who has just broken some ribs. The receptionist asked my dad "new baby?" he responded "no, I've always been this big." and continued walking. The look on her face was priceless. MLIA
Yesterday, I noticed that in the back of my latin class there is a locked closet. Next to it is a glowing red button. So today, I put a sign up over it saying "push for Narnia" with a big arrow under it. My Latin teacher gave me a high five. MLIA
Today, I had my cell phone taken from me at school. Why, you ask? It rang, and ignited my entire class into "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. Losing my phone was worth seeing my teacher power slide with an air guitar solo. MLIA.
Today, my phone vibrated very loudly in Algebra 2. Just as our teacher looked up to give an accusation, the shy boy in the back says at the top of his lungs, "Oh my gosh! That bee is HUGE!" and points out the window where it 'just flew away'. It's always the quiet ones who are the real heroes. MLIA
Today, in school the teacher had asked us a question and knowing the answer I put up my hand. All of a sudden the teacher ran over and high fived me. I was really shocked until I remembered I had wrote "High 5 here!" on my hand earlier. Way to go me. MLIA.
Today, after reading several MLIA's on the battle between Yahoo and Google, I decided to participate. I decided to type in "Dinosaurs are" Yahoo said "Dinosaurs are not real" Google said "Dinosaurs aren't extinct they're just hiding". I think we all know who won this round. MLIA.
Today, in Spanish class, my friend and I was passing a note and the teacher caught us. Upon discovering that we had written the entire note in Spanish she gave us extra credit instead of detention. MLIA
Ooh...toughie...ANY kind of coffee (black, cream-and-sugured-unbelievably, latte, mocha, iced, anything. Love it!), or soda. I rarely have any variation of either of those, so whenever I have either its a huge treat. ^_^