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Monday, October 5, 2009

Bekah the Snowgirl

Today, I had a soccer game, and it was freezing. And wait. It gets better. It started pouring cats and dogs about halfway through the first team's game. (My town has two teams, and I'm on the second). The first half of our game was amazing (I love playing soccer in the rain) but the second half, I couldn't even re-tie my cleat when the laces unknotted (I clumsily tucked it into my shoe), my fingers were so frozen.
It was fun, though; we won 1-0.
Off to my online writing class,


6 replies:

☪Dream said... 1

Hey! I tagged(awarded) you in WolfShadows!

megan kristine said... 2

Ha Ha Ha

I used to play soccer, but I don't any more.


Abigail Kraft said... 3

Oh my word Bekah....I've been on your blog before, but I think I just realized how much fun it is. lol! I'm weird like that--I can never remember how much I adore reading certain blogs, because there are SO many out there! :P Anyways, I'm totally going to follow you and subscribe and all that jazz. ^_^

By the way, I don't play soccer, but I've heard playing in the rain is just about the most awesomest thing ever. heehee.

Have an awesome day!

P.S. Love the font on your blog--if I'm not mistaking, I used the same one on the new Imperishable Beauty header. lol. Cool beans.

Bekah said... 4

Ah! Thanks Abigail! :)


Jillian said... 5

Hello, you have one of the most awesome, vamped up blogs I've ever seen!!
I love soccer so much! Really hardcore.
I bet it was fun.

BTW you follow my blog The Next Generation Is Us and I posted something on it and I'm curious to see what you have to say!!

Joëlle said... 6

I love soccer too!

Thank you for the post


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