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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Book Covers

For my story Anwyn, I only have two choices so far...

And then for my story Midnight, I have different variations of basically the same thing.

The Midnight ones are a little strange...but semi-cool? Or not? *grins* I don't know.

10 replies:

Marissa Kayann said... 1

I think there super awesome! great job on them! I have yet to make anything like that. How'd you do it?


Ashley said... 2

Awesome! :) I still have to make a cover for mine...
I think the second cover for Anwyn is my fave, and I like the third Midnight one.

Kat Heckenbach said... 3

For Anwyn, I like the first one better.

For Midnight, the first and third. Maybe the third a smidge more than the first. And yes, weird, but cool.

Anyway, that's my two cents :).

Libby said... 4

Whoa, cool! So are you, like, writing a book and publishing it or something?

Emily Ann said... 5

For Anwyn I like the second one. And for Midnight I like the third one. I hope that helps!

Libby said... 6

Hey, I was wondering something... how to change the font for the post titles and sidebar titles?

Bekah said... 7

Thanks you guys! Well, Libby, I'm not publishing them (yet :D). And I went to to get the custom fonts on my sidebars/title. :)
Thanks again y'all!! :)


Anonymous said... 8

Where did you get the pictures for them?

Bekah said... 9

Good ole photobucket :D


Seth Skogerboe said... 10

Bekah, these are awesome! If I had to choose for the Midnight Cover, I would go with a mix between the first and third. No doubt. And HAVE I read the Screwtape Letter's ? No way I could have missed it! That book is awesome! I have not yet had the pleasure to read The Great Divorce, though. I'm planning to... eventually... Later -Seth

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