Also, an adorable mug cozy giveaway at Below the Plateau HERE! Go enter :)

Alright, so this is the first time I've done Short Answers (hosted by Abigail Kraft) so here it goes.
These are Abby's answers:
How tall are you?
I don't know.
Just guess.
Um...5 feet 2...No! No! 4 feet...2 inches...I guess.
What are Mom and Dad doing when they're paying bills?
*rolls her eyes and answers evasively* paying people
What's the fanciest restaurant you've ever been to?
I have no clue.
Just guess!
Emma Krumbees...I guess. I really don't know.
Who do you think you look more like, Mom or Dad?
Mom, even though Dad has big ears.
Why? had blonde hair when she was a kid, and I have curly hair like she does.
If you had a million bucks, what would you do with it?
Give some of it away, only a few hundred though. I would buy a really really old-fashioned car, and a really limosouine (spelling?)...then put the rest in the bank.
If you could meet a famous person, who would you meet?
No, like a human...ya know.
I...have no clue.
Just pick one person.
Francesca Battestelli....I guess.
Peter's answers:
How tall are you?
*not really listening to me* 1.5 inches
What are Mom and Dad doing when they're paying bills?
Oh...I don't know *in a distracted voice*
Just guess.
What's the fanciest restaurant you've ever been to?
Noodles and Company.
Who do you think you look more like, Mom or Dad?
'Cause we both have glasses (Abby commented: Mom has glasses, too!) *answers again* I know she does...but he's a boy!
If you had a million bucks, what would you do with it?
Give it to the poor, spend it on...everything. Star Wars, and Bionicles, oh! and rollarcoasters! And a BIG waterslide. *losing interest in questions*
If you could meet someone famous, who would meet?
Er...George Bush *just saying that so he can get away*
Abby is 9, Peter 7. You have to love 'em! :D
Yep there it is *roll up sleeves* off to writing *moves clicker down to open Word*