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Monday, May 24, 2010

The Country Girl in Me - Miscellany Monday! Link Up!

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase lettersI can't believe I haven't linked up with this before! It's looked like so much HA! Of course I had to do it! It's hosted by the beautiful Carissa over at lowercase letters (such an awesome blog name!)

{1} I have lately become obsessed with Frank Peretti. I haven't had a book to read in ages (though I did just organize my book shelf! Honest!), and it felt heavenly to be able to be absorbed in a book again - I mean, seriously absorbed. I have read Hangman's Curse (usually, I hate mysteries, but this one was SO good! and very spooky. If you know me, I am a complete sucker for spooky books) and am half-way through House (a collaboration between Ted Dekker and Peretti). I just requested about five more of his books from the library...I love Frank Peretti. Period.

{2} My family had friends over Saturday night, while I was babysitting the kids next door. The daddys and boys were playing soccer while the girls and mommas were watching, so I herded my two "charges" (HA! Do I sound like Nanny McPhee? How do you even spell her name, anyway?) over to play soccer. I wanted to play too. Ha! Well, I shouldn't have. I have several bruises all over my legs. They hurt. I discovered I stink at being goalie. I get so paranoid when the ball comes my way, and I always let it in. Oh and a little tip. Don't play soccer in bare feet. It's painful.

{3} While writing this post, I was also requesting more books. I have eight books lined up, both Dekker and Peretti. Can you tell that I seriously love them?

{4} I've been training for my 5k that I'm running in a few weeks - and yesterday I ran the whole 3.10 miles straight on a treadmill. I feel so accomplished. (I'm also pretty sore...what with soccer, nine holes of golf and a 5k in the span of forty eight hours. Oh, not to mention all the leg-weights I lifted. I'm really trying to build my leg muscle up. I actually have some! :-)

{5} I was playing violin a few days ago, and my bow completely snapped in the middle of my song. The wood wasn't what snapped - it was the string. So odd. I'm have a lesson today - so I'm going to see if my teacher can fix it (little or no chance of that happening), and worst case scenario, I use my teacher's bow. I tried using my younger sister's bow for practice today...not working. Her bow is at the most, half the size of mine and my bowing was all screwed up because I wasn't used to working with such a short stroke.

My poor broken bow.

{6} I always roll up my shorts. I'm not sure why, I just always do. I love rolling up my jeans too - that's the country girl in me, I guess. And for the record, I cannot wear a cowboy hat. My head is the wrong shape for that.
{7} I've been entranced by Jason Myraz lately. He had such a good voice. I love Gavin Rossdale too - and Coldplay, Taylor Swift (hey, don't laugh. Be thankful I don't listen to Miley Cyrus!), Sanctus Real, Leona Lewis, Britt Nicole, Kelly Clarkson, Skillet and Switchfoot. I love them all. :-)
{8} I have been downloading pictures to CDs recently because I'm running out of GB space on my laptop. I have literally like thirty CDs - freed up quite a bit of space. All of my hard drive is used up with pictures - I have little or no large programs that I have on it. It's all pictures. It's insane. It broke my heart to download them onto CDs and then actually delete them...ahhh. That was tough. ^_^

Go link up! I promise that it'll be tons of fun!

12 replies:

Izori said... 1

Congratulations on running over 3 miles. If I run one mile, I'm happy. Three, I would be thrilled. I'm a sprinter, not an endurance runner!

Sereina said... 2

Sounds like you need an external hard drive to store all your pictures on! You can get a decent sized one for under $100.

carissa said... 3

thanks for joining in!!! i'm so happy to have you! your poor bow! i agree... peretti is awesome! i've read several of his books and enjoyed them ever so! congrats on the 3.10 miles! you are ready for that 5k! rock on girl!

Caroline said... 4

Wow, you must be really patient! I agree with Izori--I am a sprinter:). Oh, I LOVE Taylor Swift and Sanctus Real!!! Awesome musicXD.

Näna said... 5

Hey, Bekah.

Have fun training for the 5K. I have been trying to convince my Pa to stat jogging with me. Come on, 5:30 five miles sounds great, right? He says he needs to loose weight I love running...only problem he HATES running with a passion. *sigh*

Have a lovely day!


Anonymous said... 6

LOL! you're so funny Bekah!! Wow..that's weird (about your bow). I played the violin for a little bit too. I got pretty good, full-sized, excellent sounding violin and bow for like $75. But when I got it my bow was warped. :( So for like 2 years I was "playing" with a warped bow. Totally not fun because it messed up my strokes. Then Dad and Mom bought me a 100$ one. Then...I had to quit...there's no violin teacher in the area we moved too. that was okay, because I was starting to dislike it. And I'd rather have the piano. :)

Loves gurlie,

p.s. Guess WHAT?! I finished designing my "first" blog makeover. after she choose the elements, i get to *shouts* INSTALL! :) LOL! I'm totally excited...if ya couldn't tell!

Courtney said... 7

First of all, I can't believe you're only 12. Are you sure? I'm terribly impressed with you and have only had a mere glance.

I have not read Peretti but will definitely be looking him up. I'm intrigued. I like a good spook.

So glad I stopped by today. I've enjoyed your blog!

Emileigh Latham said... 8

I haven't read House yet, but I REALLY want too!

Oh my stars, it hurts SO bad playing soccer bare foot!!! I know from personal experience.

Congratulations on the 3.10 miles! Can't wait to hear more about the 5k.

I am SO sorry about the bow. It is SO hard when a musical instrument breaks. The top E string on guitars has a thing for me. I think it hates me because it breaks on every guitar I play on! It is SO frustrating! Just like the keys on my piano when they stop working. It sounds like an empty space in the musical weave. Ugh!
I hope your bow gets fixed very soon.

I LOVE SKILLET! Which one is your favorite song?

Jessica said... 9

Hi Bekah,
I've never done one of the Micellany Monday posts before either! Maybe next week :D
I'm sorry your violin bow broke. I know it's not the same, but my piano is completely out of tune. xD
I really look forward to your posts, and I enjoy your blog... so I've awarded you:

~ Jessica =)

carlotta cisternas said... 10

i'm not laughing about you liking taylor swift's music...i'll tell you a secret. i like her music too ;)

Abigail Kraft said... 11

Frank Peretti is pretty awesome! I loved Hangman's Curse, but I've never actually read any of his adult novels. The last Peretti book I read was Nightmare Academy, and I was probably about 12. I should pick up some of his new stuff! And Dekker is awesome....though I haven't read enough of his stuff either. :( Gosh! I need to read! lol.

Oh no! Broken bow! That's awful! I think I would die. I had a defective bow when I first started playing, so I had to get it replaced, but besides that I've never really had any problems. My new bow is considerably nicer than my old one though, so I haven't had ANY problems with it. I love it, actually!

I roll up my jeans too...but just so that I can see my high tops underneath. heehee. ^_-

Good for you for backing up your computer. It's always nice to have that security! Plus, the extra space. I have two 1TB hard drives right now--one in my computer, and one external, so I feel perfectly, beautifully secure. lol. :D

Have a great day!

Natalie said... 12

I loved reading House. Apparently they made a movie about it recently, but I haven't seen it... If it's true to the book, I'm guessing it'd be pretty scary.

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