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Thursday, April 16, 2009


Hey everyone,
Let's all give a round of applause to Hannah Martin, for making my wonderful header!
*loud applause*
Isn't it beautiful?
Love to y'all,

10 replies:

Anonymous said... 1

VERY cool!

Josh $ said... 2

Um, it actually made me jump. Like, it scared me. I was like "AH!". Seriously, i swear. lol

Hannah Nicole said... 3

Yeah! *claps hands happily* I'm glad you like it! :D I had to monkey around with your html coding for about an hour, and then I had to go on photobucket and paint and blah blah blah! :D


Bekah said... 4

Hannah-I would like to change the words? Should I tell you what to change them to, or could you tell me how to do that?

♥Molly♥ said... 5


In Christ..


Hannah Nicole said... 6


Well, if you'd like to change the words, then you'll have to tell me what they are. Because I had to monkey with the html, use photobucket, several phot editing studios and such. It took me awhile.

Let me know what you want now.


Hannah Nicole said... 7


I need you to understand that I can't just change the words, I have to start over from scratch. The header was a design I made using a photo studio and then I went on your html coding and got the url link to the header then I went on a photo editing studio and added my header and your header so they meshed, and then I uploaded them to photobucket. Then I had to find a way to get rid of your title without getting rid of it so I made it super small on the html coding and put it at the top. It's really complicated, not just a matter of clicking a button and changing the words! :D


Hannah Nicole said... 8

*sighs* Just tell me what you want and I'll get started on it...


Hannah Nicole said... 9

What to you want for the thing? :|

Aren't you going to do the 100 random things about yourself? Or no?


Bekah said... 10

Um...I'll email you 'bout it.
I did.
Your Bestie,

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