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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Okay, the purpose of this post is to say 'Happy Birthday' to my sis, Abby! She is turning nine years old.

Today, at seven o'clock in the morning, Mom, Josh, Me, Abby, and Peter went to Perkins, in our PJs; well, all except Mom. Then we went to this church that we do our co-op in, and cleaned up. I got all wet when washing tables, because every kid washing tables took it into their heads to spray me... *sigh* :D Me and my friend did various odd jobs around the church, then had a picnic lunch with the rest of the families, and then played kick ball. It was pretty cool.

Oh, I would also like to summarize yesterday. Yesterday, I did slight amounts of school before jumping in our car with the rest of my family and driving to our friends' house. They drove us, along with Hannah and her sister Chloe, to this survival/ archery class.

We got there, and, after some confusion, made our way to the main checking-in place. We sat down after checking in and talked until it was time to start. My group (which consisted of all the kids from co-op...well all the kids that were there ;D) sat inside and learned some basic survival skills, and what you need to survive in what kind of situations. The other group went outside to do archery. Then my group went outside, with tarp, matches, striker, and newspaper, and split into four smaller groups. Each group had to build a shelter in ten minutes. My group's shelter was a complete failure. It was lousy. Some people actually did really good though. Then each group had to build their own fire. The leaders just gave us some instructions, and sent us off to collect 200+ small twigs, ball up newspaper, and actually start the fire. I was surprised that they actually let all the kids free with the matches, and no supervision. With the matches and all. There were no accidents or anything, but there could have been. My group started the fire, kept it going, and boiled water. The leaders didn't even expect us to start the fire. It was awesome. I actually did burn myself though, because I picked up the metal pot that we boiled water in before it had cooled.

Then everyone went back and ate lunch. I named my little cheddar bunny Nemo, and then everyone started naming their food, and it got pretty insane. Hannah kept saying, "What have you done?" to me, watching her younger sister and mine play with their food. Heehee.

After lunch, we went to archery and let me just say this: IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! The string from the bow kept hitting my arm, and the guy gave me a wristguard. That happened at camp, even to the extent that I had to go to the nurse, 'cause my arm was all bruised and bleeding. The thing was that my camp's wristguards were pretty lame, and the string kept getting caught in the leather wristguards, and the arrow would go shooting off into the woods, way off target, and I'd have to go look for twenty minutes...But this guy's wristguards were AWESOME; it totally protected my arm.

Okay, well I'm gonna go write some more.



3 replies:

Natalie said... 1

Happy Birthday Abby!

Hannah Nicole said... 2

LOL were insane.

Still not sure if I believe you....

...I want to.

Blessings Bestie,

Bekah said... 3


It is true. It is so obvious, you can see it clear as day. You're right, maybe I am being a bit dramatic, but it *IS* obvious...

...I want you to, too.

Your Bestie,

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