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Monday, March 16, 2009


Hey everybody!
*scream* As you might have guessed from my title, I'm in Florida!
It's so warm out, and I am very hot right now. *fan red face*
Abby (my sis) was washing her dusty feet off at the pool, and she overshot and sprayed this old lady right in the face! It was so funny!
Oh, I don't think she wanted me to tell anybody...
So no more about that incident...well let's just say that the lady got pretty mad...
I'll leave the rest of the story unfinished :D
I looked over just in time to see it all happen. I was struggling to hide my giggles, but Abby was definitely not laughing.
I have stepped on a starfish and a crab has run over my foot at lowtide.
Lowtide is AMAZING and I mean AMAZING! There are all these creatures and icky stuff, but it's pretty amazing.
The view out the window is also amazing.
okay enough with the AMAZINGs
I bought the book Inkheart yesterday at the Sanibel Island Bookstore. It is so good.
And my copy is signed. I know. How cool is that?
Um...let me think...COOL
Gonna go write—'cause that's what I'm supposed to be doing...
Love and warmness to y'all,

3 replies:

Jake M. said... 1

You're so lucky you get to be in Florida!!!
I'm reading Inkheart too!!! It's so good!!!! I'm almost done with it and then I'm moving on to the next book: Inkspell!!!

PS: I found Wayne Thomas Batson's blog and now I'm following it!!! Did you know he has this new book out called, The Curse of the Spider King?!?

Bekah said... 2

I know *sigh* but I'm now back in MN...I know...sad...
PS: Are you serious? *scream and faint* what's his blog thingie? Can you send it to me?

Ryan said... 3

I know I'm changin' the subject but, FOLLOW MY BLOG!!

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