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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Pretty Much The Best

I have to say, honestly, that I have the best friends in the world. I love every single one of them to death--but there are those very special friends that mean the world to you, you know? That are even specialler than the best friends?

I have a few of those. Any of them can be called my sisters. Jenna, Jordyn, Haylz--any of them.

But there is one in particular that is my closest friend--soul-mate, bestie, sister, twins seperated at birth, whatever you want to call her.

Meet Hannah.

I went over to her house today from 2 to 5:30 (thanks, Daddy, for being an hour and a half late to pick me up!! :) and it was a blast.

We see each other a lot during scheduled activities, but we don't have get-togethers (hate the term "play-dates") very often. Hardly ever have time just with me and her--but when we do, those times absolutely define the word fun.

There's something about the word fun--it sounds like what it means. It sounds like a time of happiness and joy; it is carefree and innocent; it is beneficial and intimate; it is a time of hearing secrets and telling them.

It is impossible for me to hang out with Hannah without realizing further what the word fun means--because Hannah and everything associated with her is fun.

She is pretty much impossible to describe, however sappy that may sound.

Today we talked and took pictures, we laughed so hard we snorted, we sang songs so loud siblings complained and we made/looked at graphics.

It was incredible.

I am amazed at how similar Hannah and I are--we complete each other's sentences, form the same opinions, talk in unison all the time, and seem to know exactly what each other is thinking.

God gave me so many friends, and I am thankful so much for them. I cannot imagine how different I would be without them. They have helped shape me forever, and I am completely in their debt.

Friends are amazing.

Hannah is amazing.

God is amazing.

I am so blessed.

Hannah and I.

5 replies:

Hannah Nicole said... 1

AWWW!!! Bekah, thanks so much! I'm so blessed to have you as a Bestie. And I'm SOOOOOOO glad your dad was an hour and a half late. That pic of our hands is AWESOME--so glad you could come over. AW! Thanks so much for this post--I needed it. :)

Love you to bits, Bestie!!!

Izori said... 2

That's soooo sweet! I'm the same with so many of my friends, too!

Eldarwen said... 3

It's like that for me and my older sister. She's basically the only best friend I have. =) It's fun, though! =D


Cassandra said... 4

I have friends like that... Sisters related by soul and not by blood.

I am blessed by my friends. So very, very, blessed.

In Christ,
Your friend,

anna :) said... 5

aww! i feel the same way about Aly, my best friend! thanks for posting :)

blessings & smiles,
anna :)

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