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Friday, February 12, 2010

Farewell, my dear Bloggie friends...

This afternoon I'm leaving for my church's winter retreat (I'll get back Sunday morning). I honestly cannot wait--I have been looking forward to this since Janurary. :)

It seems like all of my best friends are going--it's going to be insanely incredible. (Among those going are Jenna and Hunter) Jenna and I decided to wash our hair in the sinks at our church instead of taking a shower before the retreat. ^^

Off to finish school and then pack. I'll post again Sunday afternoon or Monday morning. But for now, fare well and have a great weekend, my dear Bloggie friends. :)

7 replies:

Pam Calvert said... 1

Have a blast, Bekah!!!!

Emma said... 2

Hi, it's Emma. From now on, every Monday on my blog Summer Girl will feature a new weekly event called Commenter's Monday. In this event, I will post about one commenter that I think deserves the post. The first part: why I chose them to be featured on Commenter's Monday. Second: a short interview with them. Third: A snapshot of their blog.
Please visit to see this! Go to Thanks!


Amber said... 3

washed your hair in the sink. haha

Emileigh Latham said... 4

Enjoy yourself!

Alex Maria said... 5

Sounds like fun! Have a great time!



Hannah Nicole said... 6

Have fun, Bekah! Love you! And don't die snowboarding, k? I assume if you're reading this, then you aren't dead (as long as you aren't reading this from heaven).


Charity Nee said... 7

washed your hair in sink - lol. Have a great weekend my friend!!! :)

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