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Saturday, June 6, 2009


I just found that the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini is set in 12-point Goudy. I have always harbored a secret admiration for the font that Paolini writes in, and as soon as I realized that it was Goudy, I dashed down wildly to my computer to see if I could download it for free.

After much fruitless searching, I found it...

...and it cost $26. *growl* I asked my dad, and of course he was like, "We are not spending 26 bucks so that you can download a font." :D I wasn't surprised, and he held firm even after I offered to pay for it myself.

*sigh* so I guess I won't be able to have the font Paolini has... :D


Today, my grandparents have been over all day: and we went to the movie Up...

And I have to say...

...IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was SO great! And I'm serious: SO GREAT!!! It balanced its tear-jerking scenes (I actually started tearing up over this animated movie :D), happy scenes, and action, edge-of-your-seat scenes. Literally, in some parts of the movie, I was so agitated I felt like screaming.

It's rated PG, but because of it's action. There's no blood and gore or anything, just action. Overall, I TOTALLY recommend seeing it. It's completely little-kid friendly, and yet adults and older kids are transfixed by least I and the rest of my family was. It's worth seeing. :D

5 replies:

Hannah Nicole said...

Hey Bekah,

I've known about Goudy for awhile...that stinks that it costs money. I WANT TO USE IT SO BAD!!!

Okay, I'm checking my email. :D


Natalie said...

So, was the movie funny?

ChloƩ said...

Hi bekah...
i do not have goudy on my computer (my FAMilys computer..) but we do have Goudy Old Style....
and we didnt pay for it. it just was on are computer... (or mabye hannah downloaded it...)
Chloe (yayayya your coming with us!!!!)

ChloƩ said...

Bekah you spell mwahahaha <-like this
not like this muwahahahahah okay....

Anonymous said...

Isn't it a great movie?

"Please let me in!"


"Oh. It's BEFORE!"

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